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Statement from the FBGA regarding Secrets or Lies, 12/06/06

Secrets or Lies: A Preconceived and Predetermined Campaign to Discredit Victims of Abuse

It is our intention in the coming months to give you the other side of the story behind the making of Secrets or Lies.

We will reveal that this was the second time that potential witnesses were approached. The first time was in 1982 during the first police investigation into John Porteous.

We will also report the failure of BBC Frontline Scotland to remain impartial, objective and balanced in reporting the facts concerning a convicted paedophile and the abuse scandal that was engulfing Quarriers Homes, Bridge of Weir, Scotland.

We will identify the past and present connections between Quarriers Homes' management and employees, the Quarrier's organisation and BBC Scotland employees and ask if this might have been a factor in the Frontline team's failure to research the issues properly and remain impartial throughout.

We will also set the record straight as to the many inaccuracies in the programme, despite the fact that we released confidential documents, letters and Quarriers Homes' children's files to the BBC to support our claims.

We will show that some of those featured in the programme were not in the Porteous Cottage or even in Quarriers Homes when the abuse was occurring.

We will highlight inaccurate information passed on to interviewees by BBC journalists and reveal what they left out of the programme despite the fact that it had been reported to them. We will also show the inaccuracies of the responses received from BBC employees when these issues were put to them.

We will reveal the struggle over a 3 year period to obtain all the data, information and transcripts from the BBC pertaining to a victim who gave up their anonymity to challenge the BBC, despite the fact that the law requires all such information to be supplied within forty days of receipt of a formal request, and the obstructive methods employed by the BBC to avoid responding to these complaints.

The BBC appointed Editorial Independent Advisor refused point blank to allow anyone to represent or support us at any meetings and they wish to prevent us from revealing what we have uncovered and are trying to impose censorship. We refuse to be silenced by the BBC.

All the while we continue to press our case through the BBC Governors' Programme Complaints Committee (GPCC) but have reservations as to its independence, accountability and impartiality, while investigating complaints against its own organisation and employees.

We are being supported through this process by a Media Ethics Trust, which looks at complaints and issues concerning the media and journalism.

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